
Coordination project

Description of how joint objectives and the joint work program will be implemented in the coordination project.

A coordinator´s office will be installed at the Clinic for Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus Liebig University Giessen. The coordinator´s office is in charge of the central management tasks and activities.

It is staffed with a scientific administrator (0.25 E13) to support the research unit´s speaker F. Wagenlehner and all projects regarding coordination aspects. The office will manage communication among the projects and PIs, organize meetings, workshop seminars and retreats, the lecture series, as well as the international conference. This will involve communication with presenters and speakers, organization of the congress venue, of speakers hosting and travel, as well as all preparation of all relevant documents. In addition, administration of the research group website, social media activities and public relations will be part of the coordinator´s office staff to achieve maximum external effects of the scientific topic, work, and achievements of the research group. This in turn will raise awareness in the research topic in the scientific community and attract young researchers into the field and the scientific projects of this research proposal.

Overall, the coordinator´s office will help and create a research environment amongst all members of this research group fostering collaboration, interactions and scientific exchange. This will be of pivotal importance, achieving maximum synergies between projects and thus resulting in optimal added value of the research group. The activities and requested budget are listed in the following modules.

Florian Wagenlehner

Clinic for Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology
Justus Liebig University Giessen